Frequently Asked Questions

No, ITIM built to manage single school or single branch and does not support multi school or multi branch feature. Even you can not customize ITIM to transform it in multi school or multi branch management system because its licensing terms does not permit for this.
Yes, you can use ITIM without internet on localhost installation (using XAMPP or WAMP) but you will lose the benefits of some features like -

  • Email, SMS and Push notification and messaging
  • Online Payment
  • YouTube videos

If you are using ITIM with internet on localhost installation then above mentioned features will work.
Yes, you can use ITIM on localhost installation (using XAMPP or WAMP) and access it in your local LAN (Local Area Network) from other pc in network. How to configure ITIM for local LAN network please check this article.
By default display error messages are disabled in ITIM that is the reason every time if there is any error occurred system is showing 500 error message. This is due to ITIM environment is set for production . To enable display error message you should change ITIM environment from production to development.

Please do the following changes in code files to change environment -

Open file \index.php in any editor carefully from your installation folder and find

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');

and change it to

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');

Be aware that in development mode you may see some errors and deprecation warnings, for this reason, it’s always recommended to set the environment to “production” .

Do not forget to turn it back to production when you have finished the error checking or debugging
If you have any general questions don't hesitate to contact us on and for support questions you can open support ticket at
ITIM does not support 3 decimals places for a number or currency amount.
Login through superadmin user and at dashboard page check in bottom - right corner, here after your school name a number something like 5.2.0 will be show which is your ITIM current version.
Click here to read more about the server requirements.
Yes, ITIM support RTL direction for languages.
Unfortunately not, the PDF or exported documents are only generated in LTR direction.
After adding staff or student if no email is receiving or there is no any email send by system then your email setting is not configured properly so system is unable to send any email. To configure email please check this article.
Unfortunately you can’t use ITIM as SaaS application. You can only bill 1 client per 1 extended licence.

ITIM licences are single end products, additional information for licences can be found here.

ITIM © 2020 All Rights Reserved